This article will show you how you can run the stored procedure (Generate SQL inserts) for multiple tables. Please check the article below to find the store procedure to generate SQL to insert:
Note: This stored procedure uses the tables from the MPBM application to copy over the tables.
Step-by-step guide
Please follow the steps below to run the sql.
- Copy the SQL from section "Store procedure" and execute the SQL in the database you want copy into.
To run the stored procedure, execute the following code:
Sql to execute the _as_sp_GenerateInsertSQLexec _as_sp_CopyMPBMDatabse @FromDatabase ='<<Insert database name>>'
note: replace the <<Insert database name>> with your own values.
--Drop code is include, so that the create sql can be used. IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'_as_sp_CopyMPBMDatabse') AND type IN ( N'P', N'PC' ) ) DROP PROCEDURE _as_sp_CopyMPBMDatabse GO -- ============================================= -- Author: Jan van der Hilst -- Company: Asamco B.V. -- Date: 21/03/2018 -- Contact: -- -- Description: This stored procedure will loop over multiple tables and executing the insert sql. -- How to run: exec _as_sp_CopyMPBMDatabse @FromDatabase ='<<Insert database name>>' -- ============================================= -- ============================================= ------------------------------------------------ -----© 2018 Asamco B.V. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED----- -- ============================================= CREATE PROC _as_sp_CopyMPBMDatabse @FromDatabase as Varchar(300) AS SET NOCOUNT ON BEGIN CREATE TABLE #TEMPInserts( sqlStatement varchar(max) ) DECLARE @TableName varchar(200) DECLARE CursorGetSQL CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR --CHANGE THIS SELECT TO ALTER THE TABLES SELECT Name FROM sys.tables where name like '_as_MPBM_%' AND Name not like '%_Audit%' OPEN CursorGetSQL FETCH NEXT FROM CursorGetSQL INTO @TableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --Get the SQL INSERT INTO #TEMPInserts EXEC _as_sp_GenerateInsertSQL @TableName, @FromDatabase FETCH NEXT FROM CursorGetSQL INTO @TableName END CLOSE CursorGetSQL DEALLOCATE CursorGetSQL DECLARE @SqlToRun nvarchar(max) DECLARE CursorGetSQL CURSOR FORWARD_ONLY FOR SELECT sqlStatement from #TEMPInserts OPEN CursorGetSQL FETCH NEXT FROM CursorGetSQL INTO @SqlToRun WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN --Run the SQL --PRINT @SqlToRun EXEC( @SqlToRun); --Clear the SQL Select @SqlToRun = '' FETCH NEXT FROM CursorGetSQL INTO @SqlToRun END CLOSE CursorGetSQL DEALLOCATE CursorGetSQL END GO
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