This article will describe how to find and solve allocation issues. (AR)
Step-by-step guide to find differences
Follow the follow steps to find differences
To find the allocation differences for AR run the following Script:
TRUNCATE TABLE _etblAllocsDCLinkRangeTemp insert into _etblAllocsDCLinkRangeTemp (DCLink) select DCLink from Client exec _espAllocsToTableARAP 'AR', '2099-12-31', 1, 0, null, null SELECT *, newOutstanding = outstandingAR + DifferenceAlloc FROM ( SELECT C.Account ,X2.* ,DifferenceAlloc = AllocatedAmount - OutstandingAR from ( SELECT * , CASE WHEN FROMDMC < 0 THEN FROMDMC +Amount ELSE FROmDMC - Amount END as AllocatedAmount , outstandingAR = (SELECT outstanding from postar where AUTOIDx = X1.AUTOIDx) from( SELECT iAccountID ,AutoIdx ,FROMDMC ,SUM(fAmount) Amount --B--alanceRemaining = ROUNd(Case when FromDMC > 0 Then FromDMC-fAmount else FromDMC +famount END,2) from ( Select A1.iAccountID , A1.iFromRecID as AutoIdx , A1.iToRecID as [Alocated To AutoIdx] , FromDMC = (Select debit-credit from postar where autoidx = A1.iFromRecID) , ToDMC = (Select debit-credit from postar where autoidx = A1.iToRecID) , A1.fAmount from _etblAllocsTemp A1 left outer join _etblAllocsTemp A2 on A2.iToRecID=A1.iFromRecID and A1.iToRecID=A2.iFromRecID left outer join PostAR PAR on A1.iFromRecID = PAR.AutoIdx left outer join Client C on A1.iAccountID = C.DCLink WHERE c.dclink in (SELECT DCLink FROM Client) ) X group by AutoIdx ,iAccountID ,FROMDMC) x1 WHERE ROUND(CASE WHEN FROMDMC < 0 THEN FROMDMC +Amount ELSE FROmDMC - Amount END,2) <> 0 ) X2 LEFT JOIN CLIENT C on C.DCLINK = IaccountID WHERE ROUND(AllocatedAmount,2) <> RounD(OutstandingAR,2) --ORder by C.Account ASC ) X
To find overallocations:
Declare @Decimals int Set @Decimals = (select top 1 Decimals from StDfTbl) Select P.AutoIdx, round(abs(Debit - Credit),@Decimals) as TxAmount, round((select sum(fAmount) from _etblAllocsTemp where iFromRecID = P.AutoIdx),@Decimals) as [Allocation Amount], round(round((select sum(fAmount) from _etblAllocsTemp where iFromRecID = P.AutoIdx),@Decimals) - round(abs(Debit - Credit),@Decimals),@Decimals) as [Over Allocation], C.Account, C.Name from PostAR P left outer join Client C on P.AccountLink = C.DCLink where round(abs(Debit - Credit),@Decimals) < round((select sum(fAmount) from _etblAllocsTemp where iFromRecID = P.AutoIdx), @Decimals) --AND Account = @sup order by Account
Step-by-step guide to Solve overallocations:
Replace the customercode in the top part.
--SET THE CLIENT: DECLARE @Sup varchar(50) SELECT @Sup = 'UFL001' TRUNCATE TABLE _etblAllocsDCLinkRangeTemp insert into _etblAllocsDCLinkRangeTemp (DCLink) select DCLink from Client where account = @Sup exec _espAllocsToTableARAP 'AR', '2099-12-31', 1, 0, null, null UPDATE A SET A.Outstanding = b.CalcOutstanding FROM POSTAR A LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * from ( SELECT AutoIdx, DMC = Debit-credit, CalcOutstanding = Debit-credit, ActualOutstanding = outstanding from postAR where cAllocs is null) X where ROUND(CalcOutstanding,2) <> ROUND(ActualOutstanding,2)) B on A.AutoIDX = B.AutoIdx where B.AutoIdx is not null -- UPDATE A SET A.Outstanding = Calculated.newOutstanding FROM PostAR A LEFT JOIN ( SELECT *, newOutstanding = outstandingAR + DifferenceAlloc FROM ( SELECT C.Account ,X2.* ,DifferenceAlloc = AllocatedAmount - OutstandingAR from ( SELECT * , CASE WHEN FROMDMC < 0 THEN FROMDMC +Amount ELSE FROmDMC - Amount END as AllocatedAmount , outstandingAR = (SELECT outstanding from postar where AUTOIDx = X1.AUTOIDx) from( SELECT iAccountID ,AutoIdx ,FROMDMC ,SUM(fAmount) Amount --B--alanceRemaining = ROUNd(Case when FromDMC > 0 Then FromDMC-fAmount else FromDMC +famount END,2) from ( Select A1.iAccountID , A1.iFromRecID as AutoIdx , A1.iToRecID as [Alocated To AutoIdx] , FromDMC = (Select debit-credit from postar where autoidx = A1.iFromRecID) , ToDMC = (Select debit-credit from postar where autoidx = A1.iToRecID) , A1.fAmount from _etblAllocsTemp A1 left outer join _etblAllocsTemp A2 on A2.iToRecID=A1.iFromRecID and A1.iToRecID=A2.iFromRecID left outer join PostAR PAR on A1.iFromRecID = PAR.AutoIdx left outer join Client C on A1.iAccountID = C.DCLink WHERE c.dclink in (SELECT DCLink FROM Client WHERE Account = @Sup) ) X group by AutoIdx ,iAccountID ,FROMDMC) x1 WHERE ROUND(CASE WHEN FROMDMC < 0 THEN FROMDMC +Amount ELSE FROmDMC - Amount END,2) <> 0 ) X2 LEFT JOIN CLIENT C on C.DCLINK = IaccountID WHERE ROUND(AllocatedAmount,2) <> RounD(OutstandingAR,2) --ORder by C.Account ASC ) X ) Calculated on Calculated.AutoIdx = A.AutoIdx where Calculated .AutoIdx is not null ---- Declare @Decimals int Set @Decimals = (select top 1 Decimals from StDfTbl) Select P.AutoIdx, round(abs(Debit - Credit),@Decimals) as TxAmount, round((select sum(fAmount) from _etblAllocsTemp where iFromRecID = P.AutoIdx),@Decimals) as [Allocation Amount], round(round((select sum(fAmount) from _etblAllocsTemp where iFromRecID = P.AutoIdx),@Decimals) - round(abs(Debit - Credit),@Decimals),@Decimals) as [Over Allocation], C.Account, C.Name from PostAR P left outer join Client C on P.AccountLink = C.DCLink where round(abs(Debit - Credit),@Decimals) < round((select sum(fAmount) from _etblAllocsTemp where iFromRecID = P.AutoIdx), @Decimals) AND Account = @sup order by Account
- Run the sql for the customer.
- You will see the transaction that is overallocated.
- go into sage → allocations → Find the line → Unallocate 1 transactions from the overallocation.
- save
- close
- Run the script again. This will solve the overallocation. (you should have no results now)
- Go back into the allocations.
- Allocate the line you just unallocated again to the same original transaction.
- Save
- run age analysis (far in future)
- Check if the result equals the sql result : Select sum(debit-credit) postar where accountlink = XX
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