Sage Evolution sometimes processes transactions with more than 2 decimals behind the comma. This results in rounding issues on the allocation side, and as a result also on a difference on the age analysis. This article describes how to solve this.
Before continuing, always make a backup first.
Analysis of transactions
First identify the transactions that have more than 2 decimals
Accounts payable:
Analysis of transactionsselect * from PostAP P LEFT JOIN Vendor V ON P.AccountLink = V.DCLink WHERE --V.Account = '<<ACCOUNTNAME HERE>>' AND (CAST(Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(Credit as decimal(14,4))) <> ROUND(CAST(Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(Credit as decimal(14,4)),2) --Check PostGL: SELECT * FROM PostGL PG WHERE PG.cAuditNumber IN (select cAuditNumber from PostAP P LEFT JOIN Vendor V ON P.AccountLink = V.DCLink WHERE V.Account = '<<ACCOUNTNAME HERE>>' AND (CAST(Debit as decimal(18,4))-CAST(Credit as decimal(14,4))) <> ROUND(CAST(Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(Credit as decimal(14,4)),2) )
Accounts receivable:
Analysis of transactionsselect * from PostAR P LEFT JOIN Client C ON P.AccountLink = C.DCLink WHERE --C.Account = '<<ACCOUNT CODE HERE>>' AND (CAST(P.Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(P.Credit as decimal(14,4))) <> ROUND(CAST(P.Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(P.Credit as decimal(14,4)),2) --Check PostGL: SELECT * FROM PostGL PG WHERE PG.cAuditNumber IN (select P.cAuditNumber from PostAR P LEFT JOIN Client C ON P.AccountLink = C.DCLink WHERE C.Account = '<<ACCOUNT CODE HERE>>' AND (CAST(P.Debit as decimal(18,4))-CAST(P.Credit as decimal(14,4))) <> ROUND(CAST(P.Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(P.Credit as decimal(14,4)),2) )
Export the transactions to CSV/Excel for reference.
Fix the transactions
Accounts payable:
Analysis of transactions--Update PostGL: (this will solve rounding issues on balance sheet. UPDATE PostGL SET Debit = CAST(Debit as decimal(18,2)) ,Credit = CAST(Credit as decimal(18,2)) FROM PostGL PG WHERE PG.cAuditNumber IN (select cAuditNumber from PostAP P LEFT JOIN Vendor V ON P.AccountLink = V.DCLink WHERE V.Account = '<<ACCOUNT CODE HERE>>' AND (CAST(Debit as decimal(18,4))-CAST(Credit as decimal(14,4))) <> ROUND(CAST(Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(Credit as decimal(14,4)),2) ) --Update PostAP: UPDATE PostAP SET Debit = CAST(Debit as decimal(18,2)) ,Credit = CAST(Credit as decimal(18,2)) FROM PostAP P LEFT JOIN Vendor V ON P.AccountLink = V.DCLink WHERE V.Account = '<<ACCOUNT CODE HERE>>' AND (CAST(Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(Credit as decimal(14,4))) <> ROUND(CAST(Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(Credit as decimal(14,4)),2)
Accounts receivable:
Analysis of transactions--Update PostGL: (this will solve rounding issues on balance sheet. UPDATE PostGL SET Debit = CAST(Debit as decimal(18,2)) ,Credit = CAST(Credit as decimal(18,2)) FROM PostGL PG WHERE PG.cAuditNumber IN (select P.cAuditNumber from PostAR P LEFT JOIN Client C ON P.AccountLink = C.DCLink WHERE C.Account = '<<ACCOUNT CODE HERE>>' AND (CAST(P.Debit as decimal(18,4))-CAST(P.Credit as decimal(14,4))) <> ROUND(CAST(P.Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(P.Credit as decimal(14,4)),2) ) --Update PostAR: UPDATE PostAR SET Debit = CAST(Debit as decimal(18,2)) ,Credit = CAST(Credit as decimal(18,2)) FROM PostAR P LEFT JOIN Client C ON P.AccountLink = C.DCLink WHERE C.Account = '<<ACCOUNT CODE HERE>>' AND (CAST(Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(Credit as decimal(14,4))) <> ROUND(CAST(Debit as decimal(14,4))-CAST(Credit as decimal(14,4)),2)
Verify Allocations Integrity
Verify Allocations Integrity
Use the following query to verify the allocations.
This stored proc / query identifies the allocations which are not matching.Check query
Verify Allocations--exec _AS_SP_AllocRecalculation 'AP', 0 -- ============================================= -- Author: Jan van der Hilst -- Company: Asamco B.V - Camelsa CCG -- Create date: 09/05/2017 -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo]._AS_SP_AllocRecalculation @ARAP varchar(2), @CorrectErrors bit AS BEGIN --USAGE: --exec _AS_SP_AllocRecalculation 'AP', 0 If NOT Exists(Select [Name] from sysobjects where xType = 'U' and [Name] = '#AllocData') BEGIN CREATE Table #AllocData ( DCLink int ,iToRecID Int ,SumAllocs float ) END If NOT Exists(Select [Name] from sysobjects where xType = 'U' and [Name] = '#ActionDone') BEGIN CREATE Table #ActionDone ( AutoIDx int ,Debit float ,Credit float ,DMC float ,Outstanding float ,SumAllocs float ,CorrectCalculatedOutstanding float ,Action varchar(30) ) END TRUNCATE TABLE #AllocData TRUNCATE TABLE #ActionDone TRUNCATE TABLE _etblAllocsDCLinkRangeTemp IF @ARAP = 'AR' BEGIN --Get The max Date DECLARE @MaxTxDateAR Date SELECT @MaxTxDateAR = MAX(TxDate) from postar --SELECT * from _efnAgedPostAR(@MaxTxDateAR,NULL) --Select -- PostAROutstanding = AR.outstanding, -- CalculatedOutstanding = AgedAR.CalculatedOutStanding --from _efnAgedPostAR(@MaxTxDateAR,NULL) AgedAR --LEFT JOIN PostAR AR on AR.AutoIdx = AgedAR.AutoIdx -- WHERE AR.outstanding <> AgedAR.CalculatedOutStanding --if correct errors, ONLY home currency accounts! IF @CorrectErrors = 1 BEGIN insert into _etblAllocsDCLinkRangeTemp (DCLink) (Select DClink from Client where bforcurAcc =0) END ELSE BEGIN insert into _etblAllocsDCLinkRangeTemp (DCLink) (Select DClink from Client ) --where bforcurAcc =0) END INSERT INTO #AllocData (DCLink,iToRecID,SumAllocs) (Select Allocations.iAccountID ,Allocations.iToRecID ,SUM(Allocations.fAmount) SumAllocs from [dbo].[_efnAllocsARAP] ('AR',@MaxTxDateAR,1,0,NULL,NULL) Allocations GROUP BY Allocations.iAccountID,Allocations.iToRecID) --Information table: INSERT INTO #ActionDone ( AutoIDx ,Debit ,Credit ,DMC ,Outstanding ,SumAllocs ,CorrectCalculatedOutstanding ,Action ) SELECT ARJ.AutoIDx ,ARJ.Debit ,ARJ.Credit ,ARJ.DMC ,ARJ.Outstanding ,ARJ.SumAllocs ,CASE WHEN ARJ.DMC > 0 THEN (ROUND(ARJ.DMC,2) - ROUND(COALESCE(ARJ.SumAllocs,0),2)) ELSE (ROUND(ARJ.DMC,2) + ROUND(COALESCE(ARJ.SumAllocs,0),2)) END as CorrectCalculatedOutstanding ,CASE WHEN SumAllocs > DMC THEN 'Please fix manually' ELSE 'Updated by this query' End as ActionDone FROM (SELECT alloc.DCLink ,AR.AutoIdx ,AR.Debit ,AR.Credit ,AR.Debit-AR.Credit AS DMC ,AR.Outstanding ,AD.SumAllocs --,Case when AR.Debit > 0 THEN AD.SumAllocs ELSE -AD.SumAllocs END AS SumAllocs2 from _etblAllocsDCLinkRangeTemp alloc LEFT JOIN PostAR AR on AR.Accountlink = alloc.DcLink LEFT JOIN #AllocData AD on AD.iToRecID = AR.AutoIdx WHERE AR.cAllocs IS NOT NULL) ARJ where ROUND( (ROUND(ARJ.Outstanding,2) - (CASE WHEN ARJ.DMC > 0 THEN (ROUND(ARJ.DMC,2) - ROUND(COALESCE(ARJ.SumAllocs,0),2)) ELSE (ROUND(ARJ.DMC,2) + ROUND(COALESCE(ARJ.SumAllocs,0),2)) END )),2) <> 0 IF @CorrectErrors =1 BEGIN UPDATE AR set Outstanding = #ActionDone.CorrectCalculatedOutstanding FROM postAR AR INNER JOIN #ActionDone on AR.AutoIdx = #ActionDone.AutoIDx --WHERE Action = 'Updated by this query' END Select #ActionDone.AutoIDx ,Client.Account ,#ActionDone.Debit ,#ActionDone.Credit ,#ActionDone.DMC ,#ActionDone.Outstanding ,#ActionDone.SumAllocs ,#ActionDone.CorrectCalculatedOutstanding ,#ActionDone.Action FROM #ActionDone LEFT JOIN postAR on #ActionDone.AutoIDx = postAR.AutoIdx LEFT JOIN Client on Client.DCLink = postAR.AccountLink END --IF @ARAP = 'AR' BEGIN IF @ARAP = 'AP' BEGIN --Get The max Date DECLARE @MaxTxDateAP Date SELECT @MaxTxDateAP = MAX(TxDate) from postap --if correct errors, ONLY home currency accounts! IF @CorrectErrors = 1 BEGIN insert into _etblAllocsDCLinkRangeTemp (DCLink) (Select DClink from Vendor where bforcurAcc =0) END ELSE BEGIN insert into _etblAllocsDCLinkRangeTemp (DCLink) (Select DClink from Vendor ) --where bforcurAcc =0) END INSERT INTO #AllocData (DCLink,iToRecID,SumAllocs) (Select Allocations.iAccountID ,Allocations.iToRecID ,SUM(Allocations.fAmount) SumAllocs from [dbo].[_efnAllocsARAP] ('AP',@MaxTxDateAP,1,0,NULL,NULL) Allocations GROUP BY Allocations.iAccountID,Allocations.iToRecID) --Information table: INSERT INTO #ActionDone ( AutoIDx ,Debit ,Credit ,DMC ,Outstanding ,SumAllocs ,CorrectCalculatedOutstanding ,Action ) SELECT ARJ.AutoIDx ,ARJ.Debit ,ARJ.Credit ,ARJ.DMC ,ARJ.Outstanding ,ARJ.SumAllocs ,CASE WHEN ARJ.DMC > 0 THEN -(ROUND(ARJ.DMC,2) - ROUND(COALESCE(ARJ.SumAllocs,0),2)) ELSE (-ROUND(ARJ.DMC,2) - ROUND(COALESCE(ARJ.SumAllocs,0),2)) END as CorrectCalculatedOutstanding ,CASE WHEN SumAllocs > DMC THEN 'Please fix manually' ELSE 'Updated by this query' End as ActionDone FROM (SELECT alloc.DCLink ,AP.AutoIdx ,AP.Debit ,AP.Credit ,AP.Debit-AP.Credit AS DMC ,AP.Outstanding ,AD.SumAllocs --,Case when AR.Debit > 0 THEN AD.SumAllocs ELSE -AD.SumAllocs END AS SumAllocs2 from _etblAllocsDCLinkRangeTemp alloc LEFT JOIN PostAP AP on AP.Accountlink = alloc.DcLink LEFT JOIN #AllocData AD on AD.iToRecID = AP.AutoIdx WHERE AP.cAllocs IS NOT NULL) ARJ where ROUND( (ROUND(ARJ.Outstanding,2) - (CASE WHEN ARJ.DMC > 0 THEN -(ROUND(ARJ.DMC,2) - ROUND(COALESCE(ARJ.SumAllocs,0),2)) ELSE (-ROUND(ARJ.DMC,2) - ROUND(COALESCE(ARJ.SumAllocs,0),2)) END )),2) <> 0 IF @CorrectErrors =1 BEGIN UPDATE AP set Outstanding = #ActionDone.CorrectCalculatedOutstanding FROM postAP AP INNER JOIN #ActionDone on AP.AutoIdx = #ActionDone.AutoIDx --WHERE Action = 'Updated by this query' END Select #ActionDone.AutoIDx ,Vendor.Account ,#ActionDone.Debit ,#ActionDone.Credit ,#ActionDone.DMC ,#ActionDone.Outstanding ,#ActionDone.SumAllocs ,#ActionDone.CorrectCalculatedOutstanding ,#ActionDone.Action FROM #ActionDone LEFT JOIN postAP on #ActionDone.AutoIDx = postAP.AutoIdx LEFT JOIN Vendor on Vendor.DCLink = postAP.AccountLink END --IF @ARAP = 'AP' BEGIN --DROPPING TABLES: DROP TABLE #ActionDone DROP TABLE #AllocData END
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Probably, you 'll need to un-allocate and re-allocate the transactions that are currently found as incorrect. This usually solves the issue.
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