The “User management” is part of the Asamco Platform. It allows for managing the users with access to the platform. The current document enlists all functions, available in the “User management” section, and provides a visual representation of those.
Getting started
To navigate through the User management in the Asamco Platform, log in and click on the “User management” button under “Others” on the left tree list of the platform, from where management of both single users and groups is available.
Managing users
In the “Users” section overview page a list of all users with access, together with their status (Active/Inactive) can be found.
Existing users can be edited or deleted, using the “Edit” and “Delete” buttons on the right of each user on the list.
When editing existing users, general user information, groups of the user and permissions for that same user can be adjusted.
Creating new users
New users can be added, using the “+” button on the user overview page.
When creating a new user, a username, e-mail, names and a password should be filled in for that same new user. Further, the status (Active/Inactive) of the user is to be set. The new information is then saved, using the “Save” button in the right upper corner of the page.
Editing user information
When editing the general user information username, email, names and passwords can be adjusted. Changes are then saved using the “Save” button in the right upper corner of the page.
Editing groups
Per user the groups assigned can be ajusted. Groups already assigned to the user can be removed using the “Remove group from user” button. New groups can be assigned to the user using the “+” button. Changes are then saved using the “Save” button in the upper right corner of the page.
Reviewing permissions
The permissions per user can be reviewed in the “Permissions” section.
Managing groups
In the “Groups” section overview page a list of all groups with access can be found. Existing groups can be edited or deleted, using the appropriate buttons on the right of each group.
Creating new groups
New groups can be created, using the “+” button.
When creating a new group, a name and description for the group are required under “Information”. The new information is then saved using the “Save” button in the right upper corner of the page.
Under “Permissions” the permissions per group can be set, using the checkboxes on the right of each permission. Those are then saved using the “Save” button in the right upper corner of the page.
Editing existing groups
In editing existing users, the name, description and permissions of the group can be adjusted accordingly. Changes are then saved using the “Save” button in the right upper corner of the page.