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Import screen

Validations can be run from the import screen. To start a validation job, open or import a new file. The validate transactions button should now be accessible. In the lower part of the screen is the current status of the validation. If the status is anything but Not yet validated, it also functions as a button to reopen the last validation results.

Job selection screen

When you click on the validate transactions button, the job selector will pop up. Here you can select which job should be run.

Validation result overview screen

Selecting a job will run all attached validation rules against the data. The screen above will present itself. This is build up of two parts. The top parts lists all the validation rules and the current status of the task. The icon next to it indicates if the rule is pending, running, successful or failed. The bottom part are the detail messages for the validation. This includes a success or failed state, the message and the values off target1, 2 and the actual.

To see the details from a validation rule, double click the rule. This will run the details as defined in the detail query part of the rule.

Detail information and selection

On the detail screen you can change the selection of accounts that are affected by this rule. When the selection has been changed, you need to click the Save selection button. This will apply the change and will update the import grid with the changed values.

Should all rules pass, the validation state of the import will change to Validated. Now it is possible to import all selected invoices. Not that any change to the selection or importing a new file will reset the state and you will need to re-run the validations.

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