Almost all the APIs require valid GUID from the backend, hence before each call a valid GUID should be asked from the backend through Login call.
If you already have a GUID then we can check if the GUID is still valid in the backend or not
In case the call is OData we can set the filter on OData to get different values from the backend
eq: equal
gt: greater than
lt: smaller than
for example:
if we want to get document with Id number 133 we use this filter ID+eq+133 Filter by description Description+eq+’something’ Filter by invoice date between 2012-01-01 and 2021-01-01: invDate+gt+2012-01-01z+and+invDate+lt+2021-01-01z
Please find a postman collection of epo api calls in the attachment below, it can be used as an example
(note: the domain name in the postman collection should be updated to the deployed domain name)
Endpoint | Service | Resource URL | Supported methods |
Login API | Login | /api/UserLogin/Login | GET |
Get document | Document (PO, SO, RTS, CN) | /api/Document/Get/{id} | GET |
Save document | Document (PO, SO, RTS, CN) | /api/Document/SaveDocument | POST |
Reject document | Document (PO, SO, RTS, CN) | /api/Document/Reject | POST |
Approve document | Document (PO, SO, RTS, CN) | /api/Authorize/Authorize/{id} | POST |
Process invoice | Document (PO, SO, RTS, CN) | /api/ProcessDocument/{id} | GET |
Get all suppliers | Supplier | /OData/_as_epo_vwVendor | GET |
Get all clients | Client | /OData/_as_epo_vwClient | GET |
Get all accounts | GL Account | /OData/_as_epo_vwGLAccounts | GET |
Get warehouses | Warehouse | /OData/_as_epo_vwWarehouse | GET |
Get item on warehouses | Item on warehouse | /OData/_as_epo_vwItemOnWarehouse | GET |
Get projects | Project | /OData/_as_epo_vwProject | GET |
Get UoM | UoM | /OData/_as_EPO_vwUnitList | GET |
Get all items | Inventory item | /OData/_as_epo_vwItem | GET |
Get all documents | Document (PO, SO, RTS, CN) | /OData/_as_epo_vwInvnum | GET |
Get list of reports | Document (PO, SO, RTS, CN) | /OData/_as_epo_vwReports | GET |
Download report | Document (PO, SO, RTS, CN) | /api/Report/PreviewReport | POST |
Save requisition | Requisition | /api/requisition/SaveRequisitionBatch | POST |
Process REQ to PO | Requisition | /api/requisition/ProcessToPO | POST |