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Managing budget projects within the portal

On the “SDBIP” tab under “Budgeting”you can find a list of the budget projects for the organization. You can view, edit and/or remove existent projects. New projects can be added, using the “+” button.

When creating a new project, you need to gill in the following general information. You can save new projects, and synchorinize all tabs with each other, using the according buttons in the upper right corner of the page.  

Under the “PMS” tab the according KPIs per budget plan can be viewed, edited and/or removed. Additionally, you can copy existent to the following accounting year, and add new KPIs, using the “+” button.

Per KPI you need to fill in the following information. Under “Annual target”, the target for the whole accounting year can be specified based on the selected measure. Under “Calculation method” you need to select one of the options (“More is good”/”Less is good”), depending on the selected KPI and desired outcome. Further, you can select a responsible person per KPI– this person is to follow the development under the particular KPI. Under “Portfolio of Evidence” you need to specify a list of the required documents, to be uploaded under the according tab.


Lastly, under “Schedule” you can specify the target per period within the year, i.e. a total annual target of 150 can be distributed through the annual periods, or can be concentrated in one period, according to the specified KPI and the required outcome.

Managing budget projects within the portal

Under “Imports” for “Budgeting”, you cann download Excel templates for budgets, accounts and actuals. Each template contains the default columns to be filled in, together with an example row and instructions on how to complete the template. After filling in the required template, you can upload it, using the “Upload” buttons.

Under “Import batches” a list of the previously imported batches can be found, together with the status per import. Each batch can be viewed and removed.


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