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1.    Summary

The current document outlines the functional design of the Performance Management System (PMS). The PMS is an online platform, created for facilitating the management and control of performance measures within an organization. Through the platform key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets for these can be set and tracked.

2.    Getting started  

When logging in to the platform, after filling in the username and password, the according database to be used is to be selected.

The dashboard of the application is customizable per user. Widgets to be displayed on the dashboard can be added, using the “+” button in the right upper corner of the page.



3.    mSCOA lookup

Under “mSCOA Lookup”, accounts can be filtered by project, item, function, fund, region, costing and MSC. A list of the filtered accounts can be viewed, using the according button in the upper right corner. Account details can then be reviewed, using the button on the right of each account.


4.    Managing data lists

On the “Maintenance” tab under “IDP planning” a list of all data item groups required in setting performance measures can be found.

Per group list existing items can be viewed, edited and removed. New items can be added to each item group, using the “+” button.

Per new item all required fields under “General details” need to be filled in. Additionally, attachments can be added per item.

5.    Managing budget plans

5.1.         Managing budget projects within the portal

On the “SDBIP” tab under “Budgeting” a list of the budget projects for the organization can be found. Existent projects can be viewed, edited and removed. New projects can be added, using the “+” button.

When creating a new project, the following general information needs to be filled in. New projects can be saved, and all tabs can be synced with each other, using the according buttons in the upper right corner of the page.  

Under the “PMS” tab the according KPIs per budget plan can be viewed, edited and removed. Additionally, existent KPIs can be copied to the following accounting year. New KPIs can be added, using the “+” button.

Per KPI the following information is to be filled in. Under “Annual target”, the target for the whole accounting year can be specified based on the selected measure. Under “Calculation method” one of the options (“More is good” / ”Less is good”) depending on the selected KPI and desired outcome. Further, a responsible person per KPI can be selected – this person is to follow the development under the particular KPI. Under “Portfolio of Evidence” a list of the required documents, to be uploaded under the according tab, is to be specified.


Lastly, under “Schedule” the target per period within the year can be specified, i.e. a total annual target of 150 can be distributed through the annual periods, or can be concentrated in one period, according to the specified KPI and the required outcome.

5.2.         Managing budget projects within the portal

Under “Imports” for “Budgeting”, Excel templates for budgets, accounts and actuals can be downloaded. Each template contains the default columns to be filled in, together with an example row and instructions on how to complete the template. After filling in the required template, it can be uploaded, using the “Upload” buttons.

Under “Import batches” a list of the previously imported batches can be found, together with the status per import. Each batch can be viewed and removed.

6.    PMS

6.1.         Maintenance

Under “Maintenance” for “PMS” PMS periods, KPI classifications and KPI types can be managed (added, edited or removed). Further, PMS template periods can be set, to be used as default periods. New periods can be added, and existent ones can be removed.


Additionally, competency groups and competencies per group can be set for evaluation of employees.

6.2.         Monitoring

6.2.1.     Actuals and ratings

Under “Monitoring” and “Actuals & ratings”, KPIs can be filtered by year, period and department.

Solely the person, responsible for a particular KPI, can rate the performance under it, and add the actual results acquired.

For actuals the following data is required.

Under “Own rating” a personal judgment on the level of performance is required, possibly accompanied by comments.

For an evaluation to be completed, all data needs to be provided in the system.

6.2.2.     Competency ratings

Similarly, under “Monitoring” and “Competency ratings”, employees can be filtered by year and period. Users can only review and rate employees of the departments they are responsible for.

Employees are rated under various categories. For an employee rating to be complete, that employee needs to receive ratings and comments for each performance category.


7.    Setting up Contract & Retentions

Before “Contract & Retentions” can be used, a few configurations need to be done. To access the configuration and settings pages, navigate to “Contract & Retention” – “Maintenance” – “Settings”. This brings you to the following overview:

7.1.         Contract & Retentions settings

In the “Contract & Retentions” settings some defaults for the module can be set. These are as follows.

7.1.1.     Autolink new transactions to contracts

Enabling this setting sets a trigger on supplier transactions. This trigger looks for a contract for the supplier with the same GL account (based on linked SDBIP) as the supplier and GL account that are used for supplier transactions created in Evolution. If there is a unique contract for the supplier in Contract & Retentions, this supplier transaction is automatically linked to the contract in “Contract & Retentions”.

7.1.2.     Allow to create / cancel / release / write-off a retention in closed periods

When these options are checked, it is possible to either create, cancel, release, or write-off a retention in a period that is blocked in Sage Evolution. Otherwise, the “Contract & Retentions” module will block these transactions in blocked periods.

Settings can be saved, using the “Save” button in the upper right corner.

7.2.         Transaction Codes

The Transaction Codes need to be set under “Maintenance” for “Contracts & Retentions” (“Settings” à “Transaction Codes”).

These settings allow the user to select which transaction code is to be available for retention transactions. Note that these transaction codes are generated from the Evolution database. The tickbox for each transaction code to be used, is to be ckecked.

7.3.         Retention Transactions

Once the transaction codes are set, the user is to navigate to “Retention Transaction Setup”. This can be found under “Contract & Retentions” – “Maintenance” – “Settings” – “Retention Transaction Setup”. This setup page contains two tabs: “Retention transaction descriptions” and “Retention transaction settings”.

On the “Retention transaction descriptions” the transaction codes to be used for the different retention types can be selected. The transaction codes, showing in the dropdown menu, are as set in the “Contract & Retention” settings.

The “Retention transaction setup” allows for the user to select the General Ledger (GL) accounts to be used for posting the transactions to Evolution. It also allows for the creation of a filter for which GL accounts to be available for selection when writing off a retention (“Write off a Data GL account filter”).

Once the retention transactions are set, the settings can be set, using the “Save” button in the upper right corner.

7.4.         Contract defaults

When the setup of “Contract & Retentions” is completed, the contract defaults need to be set as well. The contract defaults can be set under “Contract & Retentions” - “Maintenance”. Before the contracts can be set, the “Contract status”, “Contract type”, “Contract party type” and “Contract category” are to be created.

7.5.         Contract status / Contract type / Contract party type / Contract category

These defaults are all set in a similar manner. First, the type of default data to be set is to be selected (Status, Type, Party type, Category). This gives the user an overview of all currently saved data. If the user is using “Contract & Retentions” for the first time, this list will be empty. New data can be added, using the “+” button, and by filling in the required data.

8.    Setting contracts

Contracts can be set under “Contracts” (“Contract & Retentions” – “Maintenance” – “Contracts”). A new contract can be added, using the “+” button, resulting in the following overview page.

8.1.         General details

The following general details for the creation of a new contract are to be filled in.


Data to enter


Enter a unique code for the contract.


Enter a name for the contract.

Active (tick box)

Indicate if this contract is active or inactive.


Enter a description for the contract.


Select a status for this contract, e.g. on hold or cancelled. See paragraph 1.5 for the setup of this data.

Bid / quotation number

Enter a bid or quotation number.


Select a type for this contract. See paragraph 1.5 for the setup of this data.


Select a category for this contract. See paragraph 1.5 for the setup of this data.


Select the Evolution supplier for this contract. Please note that multiple contracts can be set for one supplier.


Select a SDBIP for this contract.

Start date

The start date of the contract.

Proposed end date

The agreed upon end date of this contract.

Actual end date

The date on which the contract actually ended. Please note that this can differ from the proposed end date.

Contract value

The total value (or cost) of the contract.

Internal order number

A reference number for internal use can be entered here.

External reference

The reference number of the supplier can be entered here.

Internal contact person, Email and Phone

Enter the contact details of the person of your organization, appointed for the current contract.

External contact person, Email and Phone

Enter the contact details of the person of your supplier’s organization, appointed for the current contract.


The percentage to be retained.

Retention method

Can be set to either the end date of the contract or to the invoice date. This is the moment that the retention period will begin.

Retention period

The amount of days that the retention lasts.

8.2.         Transactions

On the “Monitoring” tab, all transactions related to the current contract are displayed. The transactions shown are collected from Sage Evolution, based on the supplier, selected on the “General details” tab. The first tab, “Invoices”, has a solely informational purpose. The second tab, “Retentions”, is where the user can take action on the transactions. On the various lines, four options are available, as follows.

  • On hold: set this transaction on hold
  • Cancel retention
  • Write-off retention
  • Release retention

The final tab, “Possible new retentions”, provides suggestions for retentions the user might want to create. These suggestions are based on supplier invoices, booked in Sage Evolution. Retentions for the provided suggestions can be created, using the “Create new retentions” button, as shown below.

8.3.         Cession transaction / Variation orders

The tabs “Cession transaction” and “Variation orders” work in a similar manner. By clicking on the “+” button, new cession transactions or new variation orders can be added. Under “Cession transactions” transactions can either be saved or posted directly to Evolution.

8.4.         Purchase orders / People / Incidents / Attachments

The “Contract costs”, “People” and “Incidents” tabs are informational. The data shown on these tabs is derived from Evolution.

The “Attachments” tab can only be used in combination with the Document Management System (DMS) module. When “Contract & Retentions” is integrated with DMS, the user is able to upload documents and link them to a contract.

9.    Contract & Retention Transactions

9.1.         New retention

New retentions, based on a supplier lookup and a “from” and “to” date, can be created under “New retention”. This function has the same purpose as the “Transaction” tab under Contracts. However, in this menu the retention is not limited to one contract. The user can search for possible new retentions for any supplier and any contract, based on a date filter. A new retention with the selected transaction can be created, a transaction can be linked to an existing contract, and changes can be discarded, using the according buttons in the upper right corner.

9.2.         Release retention

 “Release retention” has the same functionality as the “Release retention” option on an existing contract. The difference is that the user can search for possible new retentions based on a supplier search and a date filter. The selected retention can be released, using the button in the upper right corner.

9.3.         Transaction history

The transaction history tab provides an overview of all the transactions, related to “Contract & Retentions”, based on a date filter and a supplier search. Like with the “New retention” and “Release retention” menus, the user can either select a specific supplier to do a search for or view the transactions for all suppliers in the selected date range.

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