After logging in to LMS, you will be directed to the dashboard where you can find an overview of both loans, requested by you and the ones awaiting your approval.
Under “Loan overview” a list of all loans within the company can be found. Per loan information is provided on the requesting user and the status of the loans. For the approved and rejected loans, the approving or rejecting party is accordingly displayed.
Details of each loan can be reviewed, using the arrow buttons on the right.
Loan details on approved and rejected loans cannot be edited.
Editing is only available for loans, listed as “Pending”. Changes can be saved, using the “Update” button in the upper right corner. Further, these loans can be approved or rejected, using the “Approve” and “Reject”, situated next to the “Update” button.
You can create new loans can under the “Create loan” tab. Information on the loan type (borrowing/lending), party, agreement and maturity dates, principal amount, repayment frequency, etc. are to be filled. You can save the newly created loan, by using the “Save” button in the upper right corner. You can add document attachments at the bootom of the loan creation page, by using the button or droping the selected files directly in the field.