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To navigate through the organizations and companies, log in to the platform. The company to be accessed can be selected through the overview page of the organizations available or through the “Switch between companies” button in the upper left corner of the page.Image Removed

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After selecting a company, the applications, available for that same company, are displayed in the company overview.Image Removed

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Document Management System (DMS)

After logging in to the DMS, an overview of both investor and company files available is displayed on the dashboard page. These can be downloaded or emailed directly, using the options available per file.Image Removed Image Removed

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Under “Company documents” an overview of all documents for the chosen company is provided. “Preview”, “Download”, “Email”, "Add to basket", “Edit” and “Delete” buttons are available per existing document. The “Download”, “Email” and "Add to basket" actions are also available through selecting multiple douments and using the buttons in the upper right part of the window. New documents can be uploaded to the company, using the “Upload” area. The page view can be switched between “Thumbnail” and “List” view.

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Under “Investors” a list of the current company investors can be found. Those can be edited or deleted, using the “Edit” and “Delete” buttons, on the right of each investor. New investors can be added 

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Through the "Options" button, various setting can be used for filtering the existent documents. 

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Under “Document categories” new categories can be crated, using the “+” button.

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When adding a new investor, a name, description, e-mail, code and contact person are entered per investor under “General”. The new information is then saved using the “Save” button in the right upper corner of the page.

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Under “Investor files” the default files can be reviewed, downloaded, emailed, edited or deleted. Further, new files can be uploaded per investor, using the “Upload” box. The new information is then saved using the “Save” button in the right upper corner of the page.

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Under “Document categories” new categories can be cratedPer new category a category name, code and parent are to be specified.

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Under "Baskets" new document baskets can be crated, using the “+” button. Per new basket solely a basket name is required.

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Under "Record types" new record types can be set, using the “+” button. Per  Per new category record type a category name, code and parent are link key, selection query, default filter date column and default variable columns are to be specified.Image Removed

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The DMS can be exited, using the “Exit connected app” button in the upper left corner of the page.Image Removed

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In the “Users” overview page a list of all users with access, together with their status (Active/Inactive) can be found.
