Create a tender:
Header fields:
- Tender number: Generated automatically by the system
- Tender title: A title given by the user
- Announcement date: Date of announcing the tender request
- Last date of submission: Deadline for tender submission
- Opening date: Start date of the tender
- Completion date: Date by which all tender documents of the parties involved need to be submitted
- Tender reference number: Reference number given by the user
- Tender document fee: The
- Tender description: A description given by the user
- Project: Project, selected by the user from a list
- Incident type: Workflow, selected by the user from a list
- Tender parameters: Fixed parameter(s) >> Mandatory: Yes/No; Set maximum score per parameter; Add comments per parameter (optional); Variable parameter(s) >> Set variable parameters for the tender à Mandatory: Yes/No >> Set a maximum score per set parameter >> Add comments per parameter (optional)
- Terms and conditions: Upload document
- Category >> Terms & Conditions
Header layout:
Detail line fields:
- Module: Stock / GL
- Item: An item, selected by the user from a list of items of the according type
- Item description: A field automatically filled in by the system with the description, provided for the according item
- Description: A field automatically filled in by the system with the description, provided for the according item à Can be changed by the user (Line note)
- Quantity: A field filled in by the user with the desired quantity of the item to be purchased
- Expected price: A field filled in by the user with the expected price per item to purchased
- Project: A field automatically filled in by the system with the selected project for the tender >> Can be changed by the user
- Incident type: A field automatically filled in by the system with the selected workflow for the tender >> Can be changed by the user
- Escalation group: An escalation group, selected by the user from a list
Parameters: Yes/No
Detail lines layout:
Save as draft/Save & Publish
→ Approval by the according parties in the workflow
→ Record tender
Record tender
Fill in the following information manually:
- Supplier: A supplier, selected by the user from a list
- Quoted quantity: The quantity quoted by the supplier
- Quoted price: The price per item, quoted by the supplier à WHITE when it is not filled in; RED when the amount is higher than the expected price; GREEN when the amount is lower than the expected price
→ Save for tender score entry (done separately per supplier)
Supplier “gateway”:
- Quoted quantity
- Quoted price à WHITE when it is not filled in; RED when the amount is higher than the expected price; GREEN when the amount is lower than the expected price
- Possibility to attach files
→ Save for tender score entry
Tender score entry:
- Group per description
- Per description show all tenders made
- Per tender show fixed and variable parameters
- Per parameter show if it is mandatory and the maximum score
- Per parameter enable filling out user score (entered manually by the user) and comments (entered manually by the user); percentage (generated automatically by the system)
→ Save for tender evaluation
Evaluate tender:
- Open tender group for approval
- Tick the preferred tender line (separate tenders)
- Add comments (optional)
→ Approve tender