Report Wizard
You can generate reports, using the “Report Wizard” nod on the left menu tree. The following steps need to be completed in order for a report to be generated.
1. Settings
- Continue from unfinished (Optional)
- Name
- Type (PDF/BIC/DataGrid/PivotGrid)
2. Query
- Query
- Datareader login
3. Filters
4. Layout
5. Finish
You can access the list of the existent datasources through the “Datasources” nod on the left menu tree. Datasources within the list can be edited and/or removed, using the according buttons on the right of each datasource. You can add new datasources, using the “+” button above the list.
In adding a new datasource, a name and description are to be given, as part of the first step.
Next, the following steps are to be completed.
- Queries: New queries can be added, using the “+” button. In doing so, the following fields are to filled in. information is saved, using the “Save” button in the upper right corner.
- Table name
- Description
- Query
- Datareader login
- Relations: New relations can be added, using the “+” button. In doing so, the following fields are to filled in. Information is then saved, using the “Save” button at the bottom.
- Name
- Parent table
- Parent column
- Child table
- Child column
- Filters: New filters can be set, using the “+” button. In doing so, the following fields are to filled in. Information is then saved, using the “Ok” button at the bottom.
- Caption
- Field name
- Type (Text/Date/Boolean/Number/Lookup/MultiLookup)
BI reports
You can access the Business Intelligence reports through the “BI reports” on the left menu tree. Existent reports can be viewed, edited and/or removed, using the according buttons on the right of each report. You can add new reports, using the “+” button above the list.
In creating a new report, you will need to fill in the following fields, as part of the first step. Information can then be saved, using the “Ok” button at the bottom.
- Name
- Description
- Datasource
- Type
After, you will need to set layouts and schedules. Reports can then be run, using the “Run report” button in the upper right corner.